Thursday, September 25, 2008

Immigration Is Only Good For American Businessess,Not Americans

Hoping to get more feedback on this. Take care,friends.

Monday, March 24, 2008

I Think I Can Sing

I have gotten some confirmation from quite a few folks whether in church or out of church,over the years. So,what I am interested in is getting your feedback on my singing and votes,if you like it, on The Sims On Stage site. Its URL is and I am Mr_Ant1968. An example of my singing is this soulful rendition of "California Dreamin'" by the Mamas and the Papas.

Rate this performance at the Sims On Stage

Now,mind you,I am not claiming to be a pro so I know I was probably out of tune a few times. Hope you enjoy listening to it. Take care.:-)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stop Taxpayer Funding Of Abortions!!!!!

Stop Taxpayer Funding For Abortions!!!!!!Tuesday, November 14, 2006
This Is Frickin' Outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check out this article by the American Center For Law And Justice (ACLJ):

Why Are We Paying For Planned Parenthood?

In just a little over a week, the Supreme Court of the United States will hear oral arguments in two cases involving the constitutionality of Congress’s ban on partial-birth abortion. We filed briefs in both cases representing members of the House and Senate who sponsored the legislation outlawing this gruesome act that many, including Justices of the Supreme Court, consider to be infanticide.

One of the most disturbing aspects of this case is the fact that the plaintiff, Planned Parenthood, has received in the last two years - that they’ve reported - over $500 million in taxpayer money. America needs to wake up to this disturbing fact! On one hand, Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in America, is funded in large part by our hard-earned tax dollars. This money is allocated from Congress. Then Planned Parenthood turns around and sues Congress for passing a law banning partial-birth abortion. In essence, Congress is taking our money, giving it to Planned Parenthood, who then sues Congress with the aid of the money we’ve already given them.

Last year, Planned Parenthood showed revenue totaling nearly $810 million dollars. Of their $810 million in revenue, $265 million came from taxpayers in the form of government grants and contracts. In 2004 and 2005, Planned Parenthood received $551 million in governmental funding. This is money coming out of our tax dollars. Planned Parenthood uses our tax dollars to promote, advertise and market the benefits of abortion, including partial-birth abortion. Last year, Planned Parenthood performed almost 250,000 abortions, a number that has steadily increased since 1997. They also use tax dollars to fund explicit materials promoting abortion directed at teens. Over the past three years, Planned Parenthood has reportedly spent over $110 million of taxpayer money bringing lawsuits, challenging legislation and promoting their agenda.

What is outrageous in all of this is that Congress passed a law that bans partial-birth abortion, then your tax dollars provided Planned Parenthood the ability to sue Congress over the partial-birth abortion statute that they already passed. None of us want our tax dollars spent on this. Now is the time to take a stand against this horrible misuse of public funds and against Planned Parenthood. U.S. Senator David Vitter has proposed legislation that would stop the practice of taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. Senate Bill 2206 states: “None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be distributed to grantees who perform abortions or whose subgrantees perform abortions…” It is about time that Congress passed this legislation. Forced support for Planned Parenthood from taxpayers is a form of tyranny that we should not allow in the United States.

Posted: 11/6/2006 9:00:00 AM

If you want to put an end to this please sign the petition to stop government funding for Planned Parenthood HERE. Tell your friends about this petition via e-mails and have them visit this site and sign. Make copies of this petition and have people sign them at church,your job,the store, etc. and then mail them off. Please repost this blog. I implore you. Let us put an end to this travesty!!!! What a waste of taxpayers' hard earned money. I wonder how this crap got past the Republicans who are supposedly against abortions and who have had the most power in this country up until recently. I just do not understand that. Can someone please explain?

P.S. If you believe in abortions, if you believe it is NOT the murdering of innocent human beings, then be man or woman enough to watch that which you support. Caution, this is quite graphic but it is for those who believe abortions are not evil or wrong.
I learned about that abortion video through a blog by my friend, flexn. Please look at his blog HERE for more information and discussion concerning abortion.

e-mails, outrageous, congress, Petition, abortion, copies, funded, partial birth, planned parenthood, taxpayer, travesty
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Saturday, June 24, 2006


Well, this is my first blog here. Don't know what much else to say except that I must warn you that I cannot stand bush. No, I mean I cannot stand Bush. Don't want anyone thinking I am gay or anything. Anyway, I find Bush to be the worst president ever. How can a man talk like an idiot, walk like an idiot, and pretty much be an idiot yet some folks still refuse to stop supporting him? His latest fiasco is concerning the Guatanamo situation of course. Here he is supporting the indefinite detention of folks without charging them in his fight against terrorism. The problem is this How can he expect to win the war on terror if he keeps pissing off the very countries he is going to need to help him win this war? Those among the prisoners who are really terrorists must be overjoyed if they know the international condemnation the US is catching over Guatanamo. Will Bush and crew abandon this thing or will they continue to heap international ill will upon our country? God only knows.